Kit for New Parents

NEW PARENT KITS available from First 5 California!

Kits for New Parents are available as part of a statewide project. The Kits offer guidance to new and expecting parents for children prenatal to 5-years-old and are available in a variety of languages. The Kits each include books and helpful parenting information.

Kits Include – 

  • Resource information for new parents including topics relating to children through 5-years-old, e.g.,  how much food to feed your baby, how to childproof your home, what to look for in child care, how much screen time is appropriate, why babies cry – even what if my child sticks something up their nose!
  • A DVD covering various topics
  • Poison control magnet and information, brain development map, and more
  • A beautiful new sensory board book for the baby exploring their senses
  • Grocery tote

may visit our office at 2724 L Street, in Bakersfield, to receive a Kit For New Parents. Please note that we only have English and Spanish inventory in our office. (We recommend you confirm we have Kits in stock by calling ahead of your visit – 661.328.8888.)

For other languages, call:

More than 1 Kit for Provider Partners
  –  Organizations interested in becoming a Provider Partner can request them by filling out the form below. A representative from First 5 Kern will reach out to you once we review your order.

Kit for New Parents request form

Your Name(Required)
Organization Address(Required)
*Please note that only agencies that are located in Kern County are eligible to order these kits from First 5 Kern.
Client projections(Required)
Number of prenatal clients expected to serve this year
Number of new parents expected to serve this year
Does your agency currently receive funding from First 5 Kern?(Required)
Amount of New Parent Kits you are requesting (A number must be entered for each language field. If you do not need one of them, enter 0.)(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.