First 5 Kern has invested over $200 million into the community since our founding by Proposition 10 in 1998. Most of those investments have come through our Funding Cycle Request for Proposals (RFP). The RFP for the 2025-2028 Funding Cycle is currently closed.
First 5 Kern, through a partnership with the Department of Human Services, offered grants to local family resource centers (FRCs) in FY2023-24 and 2024-25. The grants supported services the FRCs provided, such as parenting classes, needs assistance, early literacy initiatives, family strengthening programs, and more.
In celebration of First 5 Kern’s 25th Anniversary in FY2024-25, a mini-grant program was established to provide support for early learning programs throughout the county. 25 Grants, offering $2,500 each, were made available. Over $60,000 was provided for the grants, and recipients in 12 different Kern County communities received funds for supplies, equipment, books, furniture, and other activities supporting childhood educators.
First 5 Kern is looking to engage a strategic planning consultant or group to lead us through a strategic planning process. This effort should focus on developing the mission, vision and plans for the next 3-5 years of our organization.
First 5 Kern is seeking quotes from qualified vendors to provide data management services for its programs and initiatives, in support of First 5 Kern’s strategic plan and program evaluation objectives.