Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 2020-2025 funding cycle
Information about the 2020 RFP
On this page you will find all information relating to the Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the 2020-2025 First 5 Kern funding cycle. All information regarding the process will be posted on this page, once approved, including questions that have been submitted by agencies for more details on the process.
First 5 Kern is going through the RFP approval process and new information will be added once finalized.
Please make sure to check back to this page for updates throughout the process, leading up to the final list of programs that will be funded, which will be named in December, 2019.
Good luck, and thank you for all that you do to support children 0-5 in our community!
Timeline of the RFP Process
Request for Proposals (RFP) released June 17, 2024
Bidder's Conferences June 25, 2024 - 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
June 26, 2024 - 9 a.m.
**Links to RSVP are in the Bidder's Conference tab below**
Questions and Answers June 26, 2024 - July 24, 2019
Letters of Interest (LOI) due (Optional) July 12, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
Proposals Due July 31, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.
Notification Letter Week of October 21, 2024
Commission Awards December 4, 2024*
Appeals Process Commences December 5, 2024*
Letters of Appeal Due December 27, 2024 by 5:00 p.m.*
*dates are subject to change
Download the RFP instructions
Documents will be linked when approved for release
RFP 2020 full document (PDF)
Attachment A – Letter of Intent
Attachment B – Proposal Cover Page (PDF)
Attachment C – Proposal Checklist (PDF)
Attachment D – Partner Agency Support (Excel file)
Attachment E – SOW-EP Instructions (PDF)
Attachment F – SOW-EP Template (Excel file)
Attachment G – Assessment Glossary (PDF)
Attachment H – Budget and Budget Narrative Instructions (PDF)
Attachment I – Budget and Budget Narrative Template (Excel file)
Attachment J – Sustainability Instructions (PDF)
Attachment K – Sustainability Plan Template (Word)
Attachment L – Scoring Matrix (PDF)
RFP Program Question & Answer section
Q & A
Questions about the RFP process must be submitted to First 5 Kern through the email form below. The questions and responses submitted will be posted on this page for all potential applicants to see.
First 5 Kern is committed to answer all questions about the RFP process publicly, in order to maintain transparency throughout the process. To preserve this fairness and transparency, personal phone calls, meetings, or emails will not receive replies or any additional information about the RFP process.
- Please allow up to three (3) business days for any questions/responses to be posted.
- You will be asked to refer to the RFP Table of Contents for reference when submitting a question.
- If you have multiple questions referring to multiple sections of the RFP, please make a different submission for each question.
- Duplicate questions/answers will not be posted, so please refer to previously submitted questions for the information you seek.
- The time frame for Q&A to be submitted/posted is June 26 – July 24, 2019 per the above timeline.
- The Q&A section will remain live on the website through July 31, but you will not be able to submit a question after July 24 at 5:00 p.m.
RFP2020 Questions
RFP: Sect. III
Q: Can we propose a new program (e.g. activities around Trauma Informed Care) or does it have to be an existing program?
A: Only established programs are eligible for funding (start-up programs and capital projects are ineligible).
Q: Would their be any harm if we were to submit a letter of intent and then didn’t submit a proposal?
A: The Letter of Intent indicates an interest to submit a proposal; however, it does not signify a proposal must be submitted. See page 10 of the RFP document.
Q: As a statewide organization, we have staff in Kern County and an established program that serves children 0-5 and their families and caregivers who are Kern County residents, but we do not currently have an office in Kern County. May we include the address of one of our partner organizations for a Kern County office?
A: Please refer to Section III of the Request for Proposals: “Only programs serving Kern County residents, and with an office located in Kern County, will be considered.”
RFP: Sect. IV
Q: If something is not applicable, does that count towards the total page limit?
A: You cannot exceed the maximum page limit for each section of the RFP. See page 5 of the RFP document for page limits.
Q: Does the audit need to be saved on the USB flash drive?
A: Yes. We require one printed copy and one pdf copy on the flash drive.
Q: What is the preferred format for the documents on the USB flash drive?
A: Documents must be saved in their original format. Please refer to the Download the RFP Instructions section on this page for the document list.
Q: How do we submit the proposal, in a binder, paperclipped?
A: Single staple in the top-left corner of the document.
Q: What are operational costs?
A: Operational costs are expenditures directly related to the funded program and must be reasonable, allocable, and consistent. Additionally, please refer to pages 8 and 9 of the RFP document, and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-21 if further guidance is needed.
Q: How does a program capture unpaid nursing students on the Budget Form and Sustainability Plan?
A: Due to the fact the nursing students are uncompensated, it may be difficult to quantify the level of commitment and value of the services provided for Budget Form purposes. The best place to represent the nursing students in the RFP proposal is to include them in the Staff and Subcontractor Qualifications and Structure (See RFP Document page #7). The Sustainability Plan will only contain Other Funds that are Hard Dollars (Cash Contributions); therefore, in-kind would not be included in the Sustainability Plan. If your program is selected for funding, you may report the in-kind contributions quarterly in the Fiscal Executive Summary.
Q: For Staff & Subcontractor Qualifications & Structure, does the organization chart count toward the 4 pages, or is it an additional attachment? Also, should there be one chart for program staff hierarchy and another for fiscal? If two, will that count as 2 of our 4 pages?
A: The organization charts (program and fiscal) count toward the 4-page limit.
Q: The pages such as program summary, needs statement, definition of key need to be number page 1 of 1 or page 1 out of 14, which is the max number of pages.
A: Page numbers must be at the bottom of the page. “Page #” is acceptable.
Q: For those submitting a proposal for the Early Education, objective to provide activities for Kindergarten readiness, do you require a daily schedule of what a day looks like for children receiving these services?
A: No, we do not require a daily schedule of the proposed kindergarten readiness activities.
Q: Trying to remove attachment heading on Cover page and Checklist. Can you tell me how to go about doing that? It is not allowing me to delete…possibly because it is in PDF format? Please advise.
A: Do not remove the headings on Attachment B and Attachment C.
Q: For the Statement of Experience, where do we get the evaluation results from the various assessments/data collection tools? Is there a report we can run in Persimmony? We used to receive a Program Year End Summary Sheet with graphs showing the improvement between pre & post, ASQ intervals, etc., but the last one was 2014-15.
A: Please refer to the Annual Report of Findings for evaluation results. The reports are located on our website.
RFP: Sect. V
Q: Will the Commission date stamp a second copy of the proposal for our records?
A: Yes, if you bring two proposals into the office, we will date stamp both copies and the Commission will retain one original proposal.
Q: Who will be in the office to receive a proposal if it is delivered in person?
A: There will be staff in the office between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our Administrative Assistant or available staff can accept the proposals.
Q: If an organization requires a signature upon delivery, can the Commission provide a signature?
A: Yes, staff will sign your form stating the Commission is in receipt of your proposal.
RFP: Sect. VI
Q: If we submit more than one proposal, are we limited to the number of proposals that are approved by First 5 per organization?
A: The Commission does not limit the number of proposals approved.
Attachment A – Letter of Intent
Q: On the Letter of Intent- Should the “Total Amount Requested” include a total for the 5 years or 1 year?
A: The amount requested on the LOI should be the total 5-year request.
Q: Does the Total Amount Requested on the LOI have to be accurate?
A: The “Total Amount Requested” can be an estimated amount.
Q: How do we submit the Letter of Intent?
A: A Letter of Intent can be mailed (or hand-delivered) to Kern County Children and Families Commission Attn: RFP 2020 2724 L Street Bakersfield, CA, 93301.
Q: Would their be any harm if we were to submit a letter of intent and then didn’t submit a proposal?
A: The Letter of Intent indicates an interest to submit a proposal; however, it does not signify a proposal must be submitted. See page 10 of the RFP document.
Q: For the Attachment A, B, C, D , E , F, J do they need to be double space with a running header with the program tittle, and page number?
A: Attachments listed in Section C on page 5 of the RFP document must remain in the original format. Section B (page 5) applies to the narrative sections of the RFP.
Q: When submitting a Letter of Intent, do you have to submit a separate LOI for each program you are requesting a RFP?
A: Yes, a separate Letter of Intent is needed for each program.
Q: Will the number of submitted LOI be announced after July 12?
A: A update of the RFP, including the LOI, will be provided at the August Commission meeting
Q: If we did not submit an LOI, are we still eligible to submit an application?
A: As mentioned at the Bidder’s Conferences, a Letter of Intent is not required in order to submit a full proposal. However, it is highly recommended that one is submitted.
Attachment B – Proposal Cover Page
Q: On Section IV under C. Proposal Content it states that the Cover Page must be signed in blue ink and further down on the Proposal Copies, it states that one original must be signed in blue ink. Specifically, are there any other documents that must be signed in blue ink?
A: The original Proposal Cover Page must be signed in blue ink.
Attachment D – Partner Agency Support
Q: To confirm, Attachment D Partner Agency Support does not require signatures or acknowledgement from partnering agencies.
A: Attachment D does NOT require a signature or acknowledgement from partnering agencies.
Q: The font size on the Partnership Agency Support Form defaults to size 9. Should applicants make the font size larger for ease of reading or is font size 9 recommended or required? If applicants should make the font size larger, what font size should be used?
A: The font size may be increased to Arial 10.
Attachment E – SOW-EP Instructions
Q: We are confused by the “Commission-led” result indicators. Can we include those in our scope of work if we are doing things that directly support them, or are they only for First 5 staff directly?
A: Commission-led result indicators support the Commission’s efforts in Integration of Services, and are designed for Commission use only.
Q: If our site is participating in Help Me Grow assessments, should we be including those and the funding that we need to provide them in this RFP, or would that be supported somewhere else?
A: If your agency is participating in the Help Me Grow initiative, and will administer a developmental screening, please select Result Indicator 1.3.1. (number of children who received developmental screenings).
Q: If the data collection tool the program was using is not on the approved commission list but was approved in the past funding cycle do you need new approval for this funding cycle?
A: All data collection tools not listed on the Assessment Glossary must be approved by the Commission.
Q: For result indicators if you are using more than one data collection tool do you choose one or do you list all? (Currently we have the DRDP as our tool but have been completing ASQ’s and ASQ-SE’s for years)
A: If your program is currently administering more than one assessment listed in the Assessment Glossary, you must choose at least one assessment. However, you may choose more than one.
Q: Please clarify blue highlighted Strategic Plan Indicators such as 4.3.1 and 4.4.1. The asterisk on handout only states these “represent commission-led result indicators”. Does this mean these areas are not funded under this RFP -OR- does this mean Commission will partner with funded organizations to facilitate these indicators, like providing workshop presenters at funded events?
A: Commission-led result indicators support the Commission’s efforts in Integration of Services, and are designed for Commission use only. In the event the Commission does not facilitate a training or workshop, the Commission will partner with outside agencies to provide a training or workshop.
Attachment F – SOW-EP Template
Q: If the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE-2 will be administered for Result Indicator 1.1.3., can both assessments be listed under the Data Collection Tool column?
A: Yes, you may list both assessments under the “Assessment” column of the Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan.
Q: If there is not an assessment associated with a result indicator, what do I do?
A: Enter “N/A” in the Assessment column of the Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan.
Q: Nurturing Parenting is not listed on the Assessment Glossary, is the Commission changing the parent education curriculum?
A: The Commission has not selected a parent education curriculum at this time. A selection will be made by 2020. If you select a parent education Result Indicator (2.2.1. or 2.2.2), enter “Commission Selected Curriculum” in the “Assessment” column of the Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan.
Q: Do we submit one Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan for all five years?
A: Yes, submit one Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan for all five years.
Q: If a specific Focus Area is chosen for the RFP (e.g. Focus Area 2), must all the objectives be listed and executed (2.1 – 2.4)?
A: You may select any Objective from any Focus Area under the Strategic Plan. You do NOT have to address/list all of the Objectives.
Q: If a specific Focus Area is chosen for the RFP (e.g. Focus Area 2) must all strands (2.1.1 – 2.1.9) under one objective (e.g. 2.1) be listed and executed?
A: No, you do NOT have to list all Result Indicators listed under the Objective.
Q: What is the difference between 2.2.3 educational workshops and 4.4.2 educational events? Where would Parent Cafes be counted?
A: Please use 2.2.3. (Parent Education Workshops) for Parent Cafe events.
Q: In Attachment F, within the area highlighted orange, what do we type in where it states “F5 CA Result Area” and in “F5 CA Service Area”?
A: The F5 CA Result Area and F5 CA Service should remain as-is (i.e. TBD). This will be populated by Commission staff.
Q: Since proposed programs must demonstrate efforts from the 4th Focus Area, can we put the information needed in the Scope of Work with the information from another Focus Area? Or would you like the 4th Focus Area to have their own SOW attachment?
A: Only one Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan is needed for all Focus Areas.
Q: How many commission-led trainings are held every year, as outlined in 4.4.3 in the Strategic Plan?
A: Commission-led trainings vary each fiscal year. Enter “N/A” or “TBD” in the Annual Target field.
Q: Please explain with more detail 4.2.3.
A: Result Indicator, 4.2.3. – Number of providers who attended trainings or other educational services related to parent education and supportive services, is a Commission-led Result Indicator and is meant to track (at the Commission level) the number of providers who attend a training led by the Commission.
Q: What does it mean by Service Category on the sheet and do I need to fill that section in?
A: Please refer the Attachment E _(Scope of Work-Evaluation Plan Instructions). This column must be left blank.
Q: If our agency is participating in the Help Me Grow providing ASQ screenings, should we be selecting both 4.5.1. and 4.5.2. in the scope of work or can or just the 4.5.2 for ASQ screening only?
A: Please use Result Indicator 1.3.1. Number of children who received developmental screenings. Notate that your program is a Help Me Grow partner in the Service Description column.
Attachments H & I – Budget & Budget Narrative Instructions and Template
Q: Should a narrative be included for in-kind support on the Budget Narrative Master?
A: Yes, narrative must be included in the Budget Narrative for all in-kind support disclosed in the Budget Form.
Q: The indirect cost rate is now 4%. Is this a change from the last RFP?
A: Yes, the rate last RFP was 8%, and the Commission desires to put more funds into services than in the indirect rate line item.
Q: Is there a minimum match/organization in-kind, and will this give me a better chance of being funded?
A: There is no minimum match/organization in-kind at this time.
Q: If the indirect is 4%, can we include the difference in the organization in-kind?
A: No. The budget form does not support this functionality. If you are funded, you can include this information in the Fiscal Executive Summary.
Q: If I have two staff that will strictly provide in-kind services, do I need to report this under the Prop 10 Program hours? When I enter the number of hours, it calculates it under the Prop 10 Program budget, which gives the impression that we are seeking funding for these positions. If I solely put the amount under the in-kind column, it’s more clear, however, I have no hours under the Prop 10 hour column.
A: For each unique position, please enter the position and employee name(s) or TBD for ‘to be determined.’ Please enter the hourly rate. Do not put in any ‘Prop 10 Program Hours’ column. This will leave the ‘Prop 10 Program Budget’ column blank. Under the ‘Organization Support or In-Kind’ column, please enter the calculated amount your organization is providing to support this program.
Q: Is there a preference as to how we should handle multiple line items with smaller dollar amounts – – when would it be appropriate to combine these smaller line items into a single line item such as “Program Supplies”? It is understood that any costs contained in a combined line item would need to be adequately described and dollar amounts detailed. If your preference is that line items NOT be combined, then we may need additional lines to be added to the budget form. Please advise the best way to handle multiple smaller line items. Thank you.
A: Due to the finite amount of line items on the Budget Form, you may combine like or related items in a single line item. It is common to combine consumables such as Office Expenses or Program Supplies. Costs charged against a line item should be clearly allocable to that line item and be supported by the language in the Narrative. Detail dollar amounts in the narrative when it is reasonable to do so. For line items containing multiple consumables, such as Office Supplies it is not necessary to detail dollar amounts of each item.
Q: Does the budget account for COLA adjustments from the Requested Amt., or if this is a fixed amount that runs over 5 years?
A: This is a fixed amount over the term of the contract.
Attachment K – Sustainability Plan Template
Q: If the Current and Anticipated Other Sources of Funding are the same should we combine sections or do separately and repeat information for Section III?
A: Please list them separately for each section.
Attachment L – Scoring Matrix
Q: Will health and wellness grants compete separately than education, by separate reviewers and different pots of funding?” (Instead of health and wellness competing against early edcucation).
A: There will be three Independent Evaluation Committees (IECs), each representing one Focus Area. Each IEC will review and evaluate proposals and integration of service efforts using Attachment L – Scoring Matrix. The Scoring Matrix will yield scores for all factors and combined for a total score for each proposal. The resulting scores will assist the IECs in assessing the overall proposal and making recommendations to the PRC.
Q: How will RFPs be scored if a program submits more than one Focus Area (e.g. Focus Areas 2, 3, 4)?
A: An organization may submit more than one RFP (i.e. a proposal for more than one program). Each RFP will be scored independently.
Q: Based on your answer to the above question, are you indicating previously funded agencies should submit “separate” applications if they serve more than one Focus Area? (For example: we are currently funded in four Focus Areas.)
A: No. The only time a separate application is necessary is for a separate program.
Bidder's Conference Information
There will be three Bidder’s Conferences. The schedule is listed below with links to register for the events through Eventbrite. There are restrictions on the number of participants per agency, due to available space. Each Bidder’s Conference will feature the same presentation and collateral available.
Bidder’s Conference #1 – Tuesday, June 25, 1:30 – 4 p.m., Larry E. Reider Education Center, Bakersfield
Bidder’s Conference #2 – Tuesday, June 25, 5:30 – 8 p.m., Larry E. Reider Education Center, Bakersfield
Bidder’s Conference #3 – Wednesday, June 26, 9 – 11:30 a.m., Kern County Superintendent of Schools offices, Bakersfield