First 5 Kern is leading the charge to increase developmental screening in Kern County—and link children to needed services in our community. Through funding provided by the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, and a partnership with Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK), Help Me Grow Kern enables parents and caregivers the opportunity to perform the Ages and Stages Questionnaires® to determine how their child is progressing.
Help Me Grow Kern utilizes the Ages & Stages Questionnnaire® (ASQ®-3) and Ages & Stages Questionnaire® – Social & Emotional (ASQ®-SE-2). The screenings provide reliable, accurate, developmental and social-emotional screening for children between birth and age 6. Drawing on parents’ expert knowledge, ASQ® has been specifically designed to pinpoint developmental progress and catch delays in young children—paving the way for meaningful next steps in learning, intervention, or monitoring.
Two Assessments Are Available Through Help Me Grow Kern: ASQ®-3 and ASQ®:SE-2
Click on the buttons below to access the Ages & Stages Questionnaires® online, in either English or Spanish, or call Help Me Grow Kern County through our direct line.
877-77-HMGKC (46452)
Meet the Help Me Grow Kern County Staff
Paula De La Riva
Senior Program Manager, First 5 Kern
Sabrina Jones-Roberts
Program Administrator, Community Action Partnership of Kern
Amberly Hill
Help Me Grow Care Coordinator, Community Action Partnership of Kern
Andres Jimenez
Development Specialist, Community Action Partnership of Kern
Lorena Hernandez Vidales
Development Specialist, Community Action Partnership of Kern
The Help Me Grow Kern County Partnership
In Need of Additional Assistance?
To receive assistance in completing ASQ® screenings, reach out to Help Me Grow Kern County through the link to the form below.