Information on the Earned Income Tax Credit

First 5 Kern is working with partners throughout the county to promote the Earned Income Tax Credit for families with young children. The EITC, California EITC, and the Young Child Tax Credit are a series of credits that, for qualifying families, can provide thousands of dollars in tax relief.


Find out if you qualify! Text ‘BigRefund’ to 211-211

Through the United Ways of California, First 5 Kern has a text message service set up to help parents conveniently navigate potential benefits of these tax credits, and link to further resources. Text BigRefund (English) or NuestroDinero (Spanish) to 211-211 for a quick series of questions that can help determine eligibility for the credits.


Help First 5 Kern promote the CalEITC

The above flier is available in English and Spanish, promoting the texting information option and the EITC. We encourage you to download the fliers and distribute for your families.

Tax Help

For assistance in completing your taxes, United Way of Kern County hosts a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Visit their website to learn more.